Monday, 14 September 2015

What makes you proud of your mummy? When she does something she's never done before.

This from a four year old. I was moved to speechlessness.

Today I was listening to Rebecca Adlington on Desert Island Discs, on how, at the age of three, not knowing how to swim, she just ran and jumped into a swimming pool, which is exactly what my daughter did at that age, too. And I think, I did as well. (Though I do recall jumping in a pool, not knowing how to swim and doggy-paddling for my life when I was a bit older.)

1970-something. Learning not to drown.

I feel as though I've just done it again - I've jumped into the self-employment pool with only a theoretical grasp of what I'm doing. Doggy-paddling like crazy. I hope I don't run out of juice before I am swimming!

I've just registered on as a Creative Consultant / Writer / Voice over artist, bid on a couple of jobs, and I've got a couple of meetings lined up with agencies. It's been an education seeing all these projects and seeing all the profiles of the freelances out there.

I am certainly doing something I've never done before, and I hope that my daughter will talk about me with pride. Preferably on Desert Island Discs.

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